Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Difference Between Natural Healing and Medical Intervention


Natural Healing:
We Listen when our body "talks" and use this communication to guide us in our healing process Stop, Look and Listen

Medical Intervention:
Dull, Suppress or completely Remove the Symptoms, most often assessing that the symptom is the Disease itself and never getting to the cause of why our body is "communicating"


Natural Healing:
To Create a Healthy Person

Medical Intervention:
To Destroy, Kill or Cure a Disease

Method of Treatment

Natural Healing:
Setting up a proper living environment so our body can heal itself. This is done through changes in our Food Program, Elimination, Movement, Emotions and Lifestyle. Assistance

Medical Intervention:
Attacking, Killing and Removing disease using drugs and surgery. Altering or removing malfunctioning parts or organs (ex. coronary bypass surgery, appendectomy, mastectomy,)

Therapeutic Products

Natural Healing:
Products of Nature - WholesomeFruits, Vegetables, Grains, Seeds, Sprouts, Legumes, Nuts, Herbs, Concentrated whole food supplements such as sea vegetables. NO Side Effects

Medical Intervention:
Man Made Products
- IsolatedDrugs made from petro-chemicals, animal waste and toxic elements. Man made vitamin and mineral pills. MANY Side Effects including latrogenic DEATH

Therapeutic Modalities

Natural Healing:
Vegetarian (Vegan) Food Programs, Cleansing and Detoxification Routines, Exercise and Movement, Bodywork, Hydrotherapy, Emotional Healing, and Changes in the way we Live, Work, Play, Relate

Medical Intervention:
Surgery, Radiation, Toxic Chemotherapy, Stimulant, Sedative and Suppressive drugs, Carnivore DIEtetics, Dialysis, Colostomies, Changes in ones Lifestyle and Habits are rarely discussed.


Natural Healing:
Positive Attitude, Excitement, Strength, Trust in Nature/God, Love, Laughter, Empowerment.

Medical Intervention:
Negative Attitude
, Coping, Anxiety, Fear, Weakness, Depression, Being out of Control, Our life is in someone else's hands.


Natural Healing:
We have created our current health level and therefore we can change it and heal our self. Being in control.

Medical Intervention:

I "caught" this disease. I am an unlucky victim. Doctor/God, please heal me.


Anonymous said...

It came to my knowledge (after reading it so often) that vinegar is good for health. What I don't understand is that some articles state that preserved food eg. pickled veg, are bad for us. Yet some articles promote the good effect of vinegar. Care to comment ?

billionaire said...

As far as I know, vinegar make our body more alkaline which means less toxins in our body.

Preserved food are "chemically processed" and very often, with unnatural additives or so-called preservatives. Therefore, is unhealthy. Hence, if there any presence of vinegar in the preserved food will not seems any good due to the harmful effect of the preserved food.